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Creative Use of Vintage Wallpaper

Vintage versus Vintage-Style Wallpaper

Vintage wallpaper is in vogue–once again. They say if you wait ling enough that what was once old becomes new. It is the same with wallpaper. The vintage patterns of yore were typically floral in design. The florals range from small-scale Victorian designs to larger chintz style patterns and the colors could be bold and primary or soft and subtle. When it comes time to select a wallpaper pattern and you are looking for a ‘vintage’ pattern there is one basic question: Does it have to be a genuine vintage product dating from the 1970s or earlier. Or, will a vintage-style pattern work.

Pure Vintage wallpaper versus vintage-style wallpaper. The one big ‘Pro’ for selecting a pure vintage pattern is the nature of the pattern itself. Some vintage patterns are totally unique both color-wise and pattern-wise. The Pros for selecting a vintage-style pattern are as follows:

  • Most vintage-style wallpaper patterns offer a vintage look that is similar to the real thing.
  • Vintage style patterns are much easier to work with. You don’t have to be super careful in handling them.
  • Vintage style patterns do not require special paste or other installation products.
  • Vintage style patterns are more durable. They are washable because they are vinyl coated.
  • Vintage style patterns come in a larger selection of patterns and colors.
  • There is usually a large inventory of a particular vintage style wallpaper pattern allowing you to paper an entire room and not be limited to a feature wall.
  • Vintage style patterns are much less expensive than authentic vintage patterns. Discounted Vintage-style wallpaper patterns are offered in the range of $30 per double roll compared to over $100 for original vintage patterns.

Can You Tell the Difference?

Can you tell the difference? Below are 3 photos–one of a ‘genuine’ vintage pattern dating from before 1980, one current vintage-style wallpaper pattern and one installation featuring a vintage-style installation design but is it using genuine vintage wallpaper or is it using modern, vintage-style wallcovering?

Jacobean stylized floral design–Authentic vintage or vintage style?
Wonderful vintage look. Is it the real deal or vintage-style wallpaper applied in a vintage design.

Bold floral. Is it modern made or from the 1970s?

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