Novelty miscellaneous vintage wallpaper patterns include varied designs. Subjects range from books to gardens, Cotswold cottages, Tuscan villas. Plus, landscapes, old-world, country scenes, Shaker boxes, movie themes, balloons, laundry and sewing patterns. The one constant is that because of the varied nature of the category there is not a constant theme.

Also in this Novelty miscellaneous vintage wallpaper category is Wallpaper Wall Liner which is perfect for smoothing out rough or panelled walls and creating a smooth finish for wallcovering installations.

There are wallpaper sidewalls and borders in this category. And, a large range of colors, styles, subject matter.

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If you don’t find your favorite vintage wallcovering pattern below, see further designs at our eBay store.

Check out the video below to view examples of some of the architectural vintage wallpaper borders in-stock at our Ohio Showroom.